It has been a month and a half since i have reported to Stevens Point, and I apologize for not writing earlier! I have been having such a wonderful time here at Point, and can't imagine being anywhere else!
This week we have staff in-service where we can work on everything that we have put off since school started! I have tried to catch up on my emails, but that is a never ending battle, and now updating the BLOG.
Life as a staff member is busy! We are in the office in the morning praying, prepping for Bible studies and discipleships, having staff meetings, New Staff development, Men's and Women's time planning, and much more. LUNCH. Then we hit the campus in the afternoon to meet with students for training in Biblical concepts, discipleship, or meeting new students and sharing the Gospel. At night we have Bible studies and the Thursday night CRU large group meeting.
I am doing good emotionally and physically... nothing to complain about. Home is always missed and friends and family are only a phone call away. But I am super excited to go home for Christmas and spend some time with them!
This is a picture of my fellow staff members... Jessi Cook, Colleen Naidl and I eating at a fancy McDonald's on the way back from a funeral of another staff members grandfather. I love spending quality time with them and how much the team values supporting one another!!