Thursday, September 20, 2007


You know, there was one time my sophomore year of college where I realized that I did not have a lot of patience. I could tell by the way that I reacted when things didn't happen right when I wanted them to, and the sick feeling I got when I was so anxious in waiting for something.

Well, I am realizing that even when you work on challenging areas in your life, they don't necissarily go away after you have worked on them.

Today, and the last few days at that, I have found myself with that sick feeling of wanting to be done with something (in this case, support raising) and it makes me cringe having that feeling in my gut. But I have realized that when I am so focused on this one thing (finishing support), it may cause me to miss out on what the Lord is doing in other areas of my life. For example... the cutest two little babies in the world, Gabe and Mia

along with another special little boy Austin and his papa, Ed

and then their mom's and other friends of mine that I have been able to spend time with since I am still here in Nebraska...
I could have so easily looked past these times without realizing how special they are to me and my life because of my lack of patience in waiting for the Lord's timing!

I have been so blessed with the time and ability to enjoy life no matter what comes my way and there is only one person to give credit, thanks and praise for that... the Lord.

I pray that you also have been enjoying the blessings the Lord has put in your life and I would encourage you to also take the time, with patience :) to step back and see all off those things the Lord has blessed you with, and also look at what He is teaching you to be patient with. Thank you so much for your love and prayers! I will be praying for you too!

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Oh man, we are getting closer and closer! Down to $315/month left that I need to finish support raising! I decided that I would start packing today in faith that the support will come in soon. I am going to be so excited to color in that last piece of the pie... it will be unbelievable to see the Lord complete this team... something that I thought was nearly impossible, isn't impossible when the Lord is behind it. Thank you to everyone who is currently supporting me and praying for me and the ministry in Stevens Point. I am so blessed to have your support behind me! I will very much enjoy letting you know how the Lord is working up at Point! Here is a picture of the mascot up at Stevens Point... Stevie Pointer!